
What Characteristics Do The Respiratory Structures Of All Animals Share?

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Gas exchange occurs in the alveoli, which are comprised of one-cell-layer-thick membranes in which oxygen moves into the capillary and where carbon dioxide moves into the alveoli from the claret in the capillary. Failure or major dysfunction of gas transfer due to disease leads to respiratory distress or failure. Additional functions of the respiratory system include maintaining acrid-base of operations balance, acting as a claret reservoir, filtering and probably destroying emboli, metabolizing some bioactive substances (eg, serotonin, prostaglandins, corticosteroids, and leukotrienes), and activating some substances (eg, angiotensin).

Large, inhaled airborne particles enter the nose and are deposited along the mucous lining of the nasal passages. Cilia move these particles along the mucosal barrier to the pharynx to be swallowed or expectorated. Small-scale particles may non be filtered on inhalation and may be deposited in the alveoli, where they are phagocytized by macrophages. Defense force against invasion past microorganisms and other foreign particles is provided by this mucociliary "coating" and past cellular and humoral immunity. These factors make up one's mind species and individual susceptibility to disease and may exist manipulated through various management techniques, vaccines, antimicrobials, and other agents, such as interferons and lymphokines. Mechanical factors include the tortuosity of nasal passages; presence of hairs, cilia, and mucus; the cough reflex; and bronchoconstriction. Cellular defenses include neutrophils and macrophages. The latter phagocytize invaders and present them (or at least their important antigens) to lymphocytes for stimulation of an allowed response. Secretory defenses include interferon for antiviral defence force, complement for lysis of invaders, surfactant lining the alveoli to forestall their collapse and to facilitate macrophage part, fibronectin to modulate bacterial zipper, antibodies, and fungus.

The anatomy of the respiratory tract differs markedly among species in the following features:

  • shape of the upper and lower airways

  • extent, shape, and pattern of turbinates

  • bronchiole pattern

  • anatomy of terminal bronchioles

  • lobation of the lungs

  • pleural thickness

  • mediastinal completeness

  • relationship of pulmonary arteries to bronchial arteries and bronchioles

  • presence of vascular shunts

  • mast cell distribution

  • pleural blood supply

Each variation in anatomic structure implies variation in function, which can influence the pathogenesis of respiratory disease in a particular species. The three main groups of species that have similar subgross anatomy of the lung are:

  • ruminants (cattle, sheep) and pigs

  • dogs, cats, monkeys, rats, rabbits, and republic of guinea pigs

  • horses and humans

Marked physiologic variations also exist between different species. For example, cattle are prone to retrograde drainage from the pharynx, are predisposed to pulmonary hypertension and reduced ventilation in a common cold environment, take relatively small-scale lungs with low tidal volume and functional residual capacity, and are more sensitive to changes in environmental temperatures than are almost other species. These anatomic and physiologic differences largely determine why some pathogens affect only some species (eg, Mannheimia haemolytica affects cattle but not pigs) and why pneumonia is very important in some species (cattle, pigs) but less and then in others (dogs, cats).

Hypoxia is defined as insufficient oxygen to maintain normal metabolic functions; arterial oxygen is 60 mm Hg or less. An creature with hypoxia will show signs of respiratory distress. It can result from the following:

  • reduced oxygen-conveying capacity of the claret (anemic hypoxia, caused by a decreased number of red blood cells)

  • hypoperfusion (hypoperfusion hypoxia caused by decreased cardiac output)

  • hypoxic hypoxia (anatomic shunt, physiologic shunt, decreased inhaled oxygen, ventilation/perfusion mismatch, diffusion impairment, or hypoventilation)

  • disability of tissues to use available oxygen (eg, histotoxic hypoxia, as in cyanide poisoning)

In that location for four major centers of ventilatory control:

  • respiratory control eye

  • central chemoreceptors

  • peripheral chemoreceptors

  • pulmonary mechanoreceptors/sensory fretfulness

If cognitive hypoxia develops, respiratory function may be reduced even farther due to depression of neuronal activity. Erythropoiesis is also stimulated with chronic hypoxia, although the caste of polycythemia is species dependent. In addition, multiorgan dysfunction may event.

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